Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Hound of Rowan: Book One of The Tapestry

This is another book that I snagged from the kid's section randomly and ended up really enjoying. At first glance Book 1 of The Tapestry seems like a rip-off of Harry Potter. A 12 year old boy named Max McDaniels sees a vision in a tapestry at an art museum and then receives a mysterious invitation to the Rowan Academy - a school filled with magic. Once there, Max and the other students learn that there is a great evil and work in the work that must be defeated. Sounds pretty darn familiar, right?

I guess when you're a big enough Harry Potter nerd (as I am) its hard not to impose your mental images of Hogwarts onto the building and grounds of Rowan Academy. Thankfully though, despite the similarities, the story is interesting and there are enough differences to give the book a life of its own. The use of magic is different, the characters are likable, and the descriptions of the scenery and school grounds make you wish you could attend the school as well.

My personal favorite is how the Manse (or the main housing building) has a life of its own. It decides which students will room together and, through a configuration ritual of sorts, decorates each dorm according to its occupants. After reading about a few of the rooms that the students got, I would love to see what I would end up with. Sometimes living in a non-magical world sucks.

Anyway, another great book and I can't wait to grab the next two that I believe are already out. Hopefully I've found myself a series that will get me through my Harry Potter-less future.

4.5/5 Stars

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