Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello ^^

I've always wanted to have a blog to write my thought on the books I read, but I either never get around to it or start one and promptly give up on it. So, here I am starting again. Hopefully I'll stick with it this time and maybe a few people will stumble upon it and find it helpful.

I love to read and have for as long as I can remember. I read a decent amount and usually get through 50ish books a year, not counting the manga and graphic novels I also enjoy. I read a decent variety of subjects, but there is a higher concentration of chick lit, young adult, and thrillers than nonfiction or more literary reading.

Anyway, the purpose of this site is to just chronicle what I've read, some brief thoughts on it, and what rating I'd give it. I hope this site will help me as well as any other readers since I have a terrible habit of forgetting what I've read pretty much as soon as I'm done with it. I don't know why but, unless a book is a particular favorite of mine, details from what I've read just don't stick with me. It is quite annoying but such is life.

I give each book a rating out of 5 stars, mainly because that is what I'm used to from using LibraryThing. I rate solely on how much I enjoy a book. I don't take writing quality, originality, or anything else into account unless it affects how much a enjoyed reading it. That said, I tend to rate things high since I'm pretty easy to please :) So take that into consideration...

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